Orders can be picked up at our warehouse location. If you require delivery, please email us for an estimate. For more details, please visit the policy section for each shop.
For our Wedding Shop, the minimum order requirement is $1200 (before applicable taxes). No minimum spend is required for any other shop at this time.
Yes, rush orders may incur additional fees depending on the timeline and complexity of the request. Please contact us for more information, as rush fees are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
If there’s a specific flower you prefer not to include, please email us with your order number in the subject line and provide a description or any inspiration photos. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences.
Yes! We recommend picking up your wedding florals the day before your event, especially if you have a long commute or a busy morning schedule. We provide care instructions, tips, and tricks to help ensure your flowers remain fresh and beautiful.
We do not offer design consultations for orders placed through our online shop. However, if you’re interested in a custom design, please explore our Bespoke Design Services, where we offer consultation appointments to discuss your floral needs in detail. For inquiries, please reach out to us via our contact page.
For bouquet care, start by removing the water bag from the stems. Dissolve flower food in the vase water before transferring the flowers. Change the vase water every 2-3 days for longevity. Trim about 1 inch off the bottom of the flower stems when they start to wilt or discolour. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight.
- Go for fresh blooms that are just about to open fully.
- Opt for sturdy flowers like roses, lavender, and hydrangeas.
- Include a variety of textures by mixing different types of foliage and flower shapes.
- Research the meanings behind different flowers if you’re aiming to convey a particular message or sentiment.
- Strip off extra leaves to cut down on moisture.
- Snip stems to the length you want but leave enough for hanging.
- Use sharp scissors or garden shears for a clean cut. Place the flowers in a cool, dry space away from direct sunlight to preserve their colour.
- Bundle small groups of flowers together with twine for even drying.
Air Drying – Tie 5-10 stems together and hang them upside down in a warm, dry spot away from sunlight. Be patient; it takes 2-4 weeks to dry completely.
Pressing – Sandwich flowers between absorbent paper. Press down with heavy books or a flower press. Swap out the paper every few days until they’re dry and flat. Be patient; it takes 2-4 weeks to dry completely.
- Store your dried flowers in a cool, dark place.
- Handle them gently—they’re fragile.
- A quick spritz of hairspray can help keep them from crumbling.
Yes, we do offer delivery. However, at this time, our website defaults to pick-up only. If you would like your order delivered, please email us to inquire and receive an estimated cost.
The timeframe for placing an order varies by shop. Please visit the policy section for each specific shop for detailed information.
Our online shop offers a selection of predetermined color palettes and styles. Unfortunately, custom designs cannot be requested through our online shop.
If there are specific flowers you dislike or have a strong preference for, please email us with your order number in the subject line, along with a description and inspiration photos. While we love seeing inspiration and requests, please note that we cannot guarantee specific floral varieties due to seasonal availability.
The policy varies for each shop. Please visit the shop policy section for further details.
Yes, we do offer custom floral services. Please explore our Bespoke Services under the Weddings section for more details.
We offer a wide range of Wide Range of Services including online shop products and Event & Wedding services. For further information, please check out our SHOP & SERVICE pages!
- Place bouquets into their water sources throughout the day to allow for hydration.
- Shield your flowers from direct sunlight and air currents, as they prefer cool, dark places.
- Maintain a cool room temperature to extend the lifespan of your arrangement.
- In cold temperatures, flowers should not be exposed to air below or around freezing. Do not leave flowers in an unheated vehicle. Flowers will freeze and brown when exposed to freezing air – and note that this includes air conditioners!
- Most of our cut flowers arranged in the soak floral foam, and Never pour water directly into flowers, as excess moisture can cause mold and hasten the demise of the entire arrangement.
Since our product is perishable we are unable to offer refunds or exchanges. However, your satisfaction is very important to us. If you have a problem or you are not satisfied with your floral product please contact us by email (Fangtodesign@gmail.com) within 24 hrs of receiving your order. We will work to correct the issue and discuss all possible solutions to ensure your satisfaction.